Friday, November 12, 2010


I can't stop looking at wedding blogs.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear Worth

I began this song two days ago, and today in class I finished it!
I don't usually do this but this is a sneak peek to the song.
This is a celebration of the tenth original that I have written! Whoo!
There shall hopefully be many many more to come.

Dear worth
You sway side to side
And I want to say no
To this ride

Dear friend
Dear Mom and Dad
You can't give me
What you never had

[Who I am is not defined
By you and I
But by the One who creates
This is not a lie]

Constant and unchanged
Is where my value lie
Farewell to truth deranged
Relief my heart can sigh

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I'm liking these little bracelets.
Anyways my Psalm of the week is Ps. 23.
"Your staff and rod shall comfort me"